Spring 2020 Statewide Dual Credit Update
Audience: Directors of Schools, CTE Directors, Secondary Supervisors, Principals
Contact: Early.Postsecondary@tn.gov
Spring 2020 testing for all SDC courses has been cancelled to protect students and teachers during the COVID-19 pandemic. We have explored other testing options, but the learning management platform that students test on does not provide the security requirements nor does it have the proper plagiarism detection software that would be needed for remote, at-home testing.
SDC challenge exams are unique because they not only count as an end of course exam at the high school level but can allow a student to bank postsecondary credit if the student reaches the cut score set by postsecondary faculty.
We will provide students who want an opportunity to bank postsecondary credit with a testing window during the month of September 2020.
Students who wish to take the challenge exam will have the opportunity to test in September of 2020. We will work with the SDC coordinator to identify the students who wish to take the SDC test. More details will be coming in the next several weeks regarding the logistics of testing in September, but we encourage teachers to reach out to all their students and let them know they will have the opportunity to test.
For additional information on expanded test sites, online review lessons for students, Ready Graduate and graduation requirements, teacher training, and transcription of scores from the September testing, click here.