Message from the yearbook staff:

Fall pictures will be on sale online until October 1, 2022.

Enter your email address and use your students lunch number for password.

Fall sports pictures are all available online as well. This link was shared by coaches. If you need it please email Mrs. Rachel Bush. These will be available to purchase online until October 1, 2022. 

Yearbook sales are available online as well!   

It is best to order before Christmas, because the price will increase to $80 after that time. Now they are $75 and if you order before September 17 with personalization you get 4 FREE icons. We will not be ordering extra yearbooks to sell at distribution time. If you would like to purchase at school instead you can. Send a check made out to GHS. 

Senior parent ad sales have been extended to Friday, September 30. All we need by then is payment. Pictures and text will be taken now through Christmas Break. If you need to arrange a payment plan let us know. 

If you have any questions about pictures or yearbooks sales please email