pre-k registration, kid caricatures

All Smith County Schools will have Pre-kindergarten Registration on Friday, May 22, 2020 from 8:00 am-3:00 pm by appointment only.  Please check your school's website/social media page for information regarding appointments.

Qualifications for 2020-2021 eligibility include:
1. Child must be four years old on or before August 15, 2020.
2. Child must qualify for economically disadvantaged per Income Eligible Application and Income Guidelines set by the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services.
3. Dependent children, as defined by T.C.A. 49-6-101(f)(1)(A) whose parent was killed, died as a direct result of injuries received as a result of war, or is or has been officially reported as a prisoner of war or missing in action.
4. Children with disabilities, children identified as English Language Learners (EL), in state custody, or those at risk for failure due to circumstances of abuse or neglect.
5. Children who meet other at-risk criteria which may include Tennessee Early Intervention Program (TEIS), children in single parent homes or being raised by grandparents. Our goal is to assist families and the community in providing developmentally appropriate support and
6. If spaces are still available, we may enroll children based on the following criteria: Low Developmental Screening (Brigance), Teenage mother/father, Child being raised by Grandparent or other Family Member (not biological parent), Prior Head Start, or need as determined by the

Our Pre-K program is not a "drop-in" program.  Regular, on-time attendance is required for 180 days a year (we follow the school calendar for holidays, breaks, and snow days) and the hours
are 8 AM to 3 PM.  We participate in the Smith County School System's Child Nutrition Program, offering children breakfast and lunch. 

Items Needed:

Birth Certificate

Tennessee Certificate of Immunization

Medical Insurance Card

Proof of Smith County residency (utility or tax statement)

Custody Papers (if applicable)

Physical Examination (conducted by August 1, 2020)

Copy of W-2 OR most recent year tax return OR EBT/WIC Card