Free and Reduced Lunch Applications are due ASAP for any family that received free or reduced lunches last year that haven't turned in an application for the 2020-2021 school year. To ensure that you continue to receive the benefits for which your family may qualify, you need to submit a Free/Reduced Application either paper copy from your school or on-line at
over 4 years ago, Stephanie Dyer
Please click on this link for Guidance on Constitutionally Protected Prayer and Religious Expression in Public Elementary and Secondary Schools.
over 4 years ago, Smith County Schools
For clarification on the previous message: all schools will continue with the staggered schedules through August 28th which are posted on the district and school websites.
over 4 years ago, Smith County Schools
All students attending Smith County Schools (traditional in-person learning) will return to school on Monday, August 31st. Virtual students will continue in the virtual learning program. Virtual Student Parents: If you are not receiving emails from your child's teacher, please check your spam folder.
over 4 years ago, Smith County Schools
You still have time to apply for P-EBT but you need to apply this week. The program is available to families with children who qualify for the National School Lunch Program and provides assistance to buy food. More details on the flier. Apply here by August 14.
over 4 years ago, Smith County Schools
P-EBT Flier
If you received an absentee phone call today and your child is enrolled in the virtual academy or is remote learning today, please disregard. We are working to resolve some issues with our student management system.
over 4 years ago, Smith County Schools
Does your child need help with homework? Check out the homework hotline beginning August 10th. The website link can be found under the Parents tab at
over 4 years ago, Smith County Schools
homework hotline information
Virtual Academy Parents: We are in the process of contacting all of our virtual families today. Due to the volume of calls and parent questions, we may not be able to reach everyone today. If you do not receive a call today, expect a call the beginning of next week.
over 4 years ago, Smith County Schools
student in front of a computer
Welcome Back! August menus are now available. The School Nutrition Department will continue to feed on student remote learning days. Please see flyer for more information. If you have any questions, please call the School Nutrition Department at 615-735-2321.
over 4 years ago, Stephanie Dyer
GES, GHS, & NMS Menu
Remote Learning Feeding Information
Breakfast and Lunch pick-up will be available for all virtual learners daily starting Monday, August 10th. If you are interested and want a packet of information, please contact the School Nutrition office by 10:00 a.m., Friday, August 7th at 615-735-2321. Students who do not qualify for free or reduced meals will pay the regular lunch price.
over 4 years ago, Smith County Schools
school lunch
Welcome back Smith County Students! We have missed you! We wish everyone a safe and happy start to this school year! Enjoy each day and know that you are surrounded by support. Try your best in everything you do, stay positive, have fun, and keep smiling!
over 4 years ago, Smith County Schools
welcome back to school
Virtual Academy: Parent(s)/guardian(s) that submitted applications prior to the July 24th deadline will be contacted in the next 2-3 days by their child’s home school regarding the virtual learning program. Countless hours have been spent to develop a virtual learning program to fit the needs of our Smith County students. Students/parents do not need to come to school on the student ½ day (Aug. 5) or the first full day (Aug. 7). If you have questions, please contact your child’s home school. Thank you for your patience as we navigate this new school year.
over 4 years ago, Smith County Schools
computer, books, headphones
The special called board meeting scheduled for Monday night, Aug. 3rd will be held at Smith County Middle School at 5:00 pm. Masks are highly recommended. There will be temperature checks at the entrance. Masks, gloves and hand sanitizer will be available.
over 4 years ago, Smith County Schools
blackboard school board meeting
We have had questions about suitable types of devices for students to use this school year by parents wanting to purchase during the Tax-Free Holiday weekend. Smith County Schools have Chromebook 11 3100 with 32 GB hard drive and 4 GB Ram. These are available from many outlets from multiple manufacturers (ACER, ASUS, DELL).
over 4 years ago, Smith County Schools
ATTENTION: If you are interested in enrolling your child in the before and/or after school program (Smith County Extended Learning) this year, please see the enrollment form on your school website. You will fill out the from on the website. Also, there will be a copy of the student handbook and calendar available for you to view on the website or Facebook page of your school.
over 4 years ago, Stephanie Johnson
Reminder: Friday, July 24th is the deadline to sign up for Smith County Schools' Virtual Learning Program. Details and Parent Agreement Form are located at
over 4 years ago, Smith County Schools
Information regarding the reopening of schools can be found on Links for the information can be found: Parents/School Reopening Resources for Parents and on the App: Documents/Parents/2020-21 School Reopening Information. Be sure and check out your child's school website for information as well.
over 4 years ago, Smith County Schools
Back to school
Smith County Teachers- The county-wide in-service day on August 3rd will not be held at Smith County High School . Teachers will report to their home school.
over 4 years ago, Smith County Schools
Smith County Schools Virtual Learning Program Parent Agreement is available on
over 4 years ago, Smith County Schools
Smith County School District / Structure for Learning 2020-21
over 4 years ago, Terry Woodard
Smith County School District / Structure for Learning 2020-21